sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008

Other Forex Traders Had a Rough Month

David had a good observation in a comment post today. He says:

"This may be coincidence but you, Colin at Forexspirit, Simon from Simon Super Trader, and myself all had good Febuarys[sic]. But those same people had a pretty bad March except Simon but he did say in his blog that he had some very rough trades. Is this a coincidence or was the market acting really different?"

Colin at Forexspirit was up around 8% in the middle of March. I too was up over 6% on March 20th. He ended March down over 17%. He states in his post that he had a lot going on throughout the month and his energy level was depleted, something I can relate to. It's tough trying to become a competent forex trader when it's not your primary job. The best solution I had for this problem was to mold my trading strategies into and around my life keeping it higher up in my priorities yet not at the top. Colin's March forex trading review can be found at

Simon had a mixed month of trading hitting a losing streak but then recovered towards the end of month for a 180 pip gain. In his March review post, he does bring up an excellent point about blogging forex. He stated that he only had a certain amount of creative energy and a lot of it was being used at his full-time job. This was leaving less creativity for his blog. I too have had the same exact problem. My new job has been creatively demanding also and it certainly does affect my quality of writing. His March review can be found at

I don't know if David has a blog so I can't give you any details on his results. I can only imply that he had a pretty bad March. I quickly scanned my charts over the previous three months and don't see any major differences in market reaction. Maybe you do. If so, please comment.

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